The Cerberus Daily News Extranet Discussion Forum
Discuss and stay up to date with the Cerberus Daily News Extranet Discussion Forum. After more than a year dormant it has finally been reactivated.
The Adventures Of Our Members
The log of the in the flesh adventures of the posters -and lurkers- of the Cerberus Daily News extranet forum.
Virtual Lounge
This is the place where you can hang out and play a human at the start of the 21st century. Remember you're stuck on Earth and there's no Citadel or anything.
The Found Datapad
Agents, a datapad has just been found behind the couch in the employee lounge. It contains a myriad of encrypted files on it. Please help decrypt.
The Panopticon Project
A secret project by Cerberus to peer into the multiverse or just people sharing their alternative takes on the Mass Effect universe? (( Elseworlds go in here. ))
The inner workings of Cerberus Daily News, here you'll find the rules, the place to report bugs and request features and the moderator logs.