Profile of: Mr_Sandman 
Nikolai Aleksanders
Last known location:
Lower Tayseri
Hello, my name is...
The Wall
Current Topic:
»Welcome to my wall!«
Post by Mr_Sandman on 2187-10-21 19:10:03
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Finally found my way here! I feel kinda dumb for not figuring it out sooner. Hopefully I can contact you soon somehow and we can hammer out details for what we discussed back on the old board! Good to be back man!
Post by VikSajee on 2187-11-09 00:12:35
Thank you.
And nothing you need to concern yourself with.
Post by Mr_Sandman on 2187-10-26 20:29:34
I got your copies of the report from R&D, and my estimates on the costs of upgrading to those materials.
Also why are you, a salarian and a batarian freaking out over lawn mowers?
Post by StoryTeller on 2187-10-26 08:22:08
Previous Topic:
Welcome to my wall!
Post by Mr_Sandman on 2187-10-21 19:10:03