Profile of: Nat 
Natalie King
Last known location:
Eden Prime
First Sergeant Natalie King, Systems Alliance Marine Corps. Sic itur ad astra.
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Post by Nat on 2187-10-21 00:45:33
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Yup, thanks! Also, Hope loves the cookies. Ive had to ration them out-you should've seen her face when I told her that no, she couldn't eat them all in one day.
Post by Nat on 2187-10-26 00:45:48
I hope it's good luck I've got a job now.
Did you get the omni-tool amp I sent you with the cookies?
Post by VigilantVanguard on 2187-10-23 18:31:38
I see. Good luck with that :P
Post by Nat on 2187-10-22 06:16:36
Work for Jaquento for now.
Post by VigilantVanguard on 2187-10-22 04:56:58
Yeah, well, I'm expecting her to not last long before she wants her job back or soemthing. A break sounds like a great fucking idea. I've been put into a desk job-First Sergeant-so I'm just doing paperwork, but I have this awful expectation of when Im physically able to, having my arse busted to get back into shape. Fun. Any ideas what you'll do?
Post by Nat on 2187-10-22 00:12:24
Doctors have this fire in them that can't simply burn out. They have to help people- Nurses are just the same. I'm perfectly content with getting out of shape.
I mean, the Reapers are dead, Cerberus is dead- I know there may be new threats on the horizon but damn, can't I have a fucking break?
Post by VigilantVanguard on 2187-10-21 15:37:36
Heh, I've been getting a little soft around the edges myself. I blame this on my wounds and them stuffing me behind a desk, of course. Tell Chris I say hello and congrats on the business. Kaseka quit her job; though I'm not sure how long it'll be before she's looking around for patients. She's not the housewife type.
Post by Nat on 2187-10-21 11:10:41
I'm good. I've been mostly sitting around the house and getting woefully out of shape. The Phoenix thing fell flat and got absorbed by the military, Chris is behind her own business now and is extremely busy.
Post by VigilantVanguard on 2187-10-21 04:24:05
Damn straight it has. I'm alright. Shiori got born-I'll have to send you pictures. Got out alive if not in one piece which is good, I guess. How've you been? How's the wife?
Post by Nat on 2187-10-21 02:35:59
Hey, King, how have you been? It's been a while, friend.
Post by VigilantVanguard on 2187-10-21 01:14:01
Previous Topic:
Welcome to my wall!
Post by Nat on 2187-10-21 00:45:33